Cancellation And Refund Policy | SSBPO Network SSBPO Network

Cancellation And Refund Policy

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Last updated on 10-08-2024 12:09:27

Sabka Sabkuch Business Private Limited believes in helping its customers as far as possible, and has therefore a liberal cancellation policy. Under this policy:

  • Cancellations will only be accepted if the request comes straight after the order is placed. However, cancellation requests may not be fulfilled if these orders have been sent to the vendors and they are already in the process of shipping.
  • Sabka Sabkuch Business Private Limited doesn’t accept cancellation requests for perishable items such as flowers, foodstuffs and others. However, if you can prove that the product delivered is not of good quality, then you may request for a refund or replacement.
  • On receipt of damaged or defective goods, please report the matter to our Customer Service department. Nevertheless, once a merchant verifies and confirms it from their end, any request will be promptly addressed. This should be reported within 7 Days oProduct return must be within 7 Days. If you believe that what you have received does not match what was on the website or did not meet your expectations, then it is imperative that you inform our customer service within 7 Days days after receiving the product. After reviewing your complaint, our Customer Service Team will make an appropriate decision.
  • Should you receive any complaints concerning items accompanied by a guarantee from producers, please consult them. In cases where refunds are sanctioned by the Sabka Sabkuch Business Private Limited it will take approximately 16-30 days to transfer money for reimbursement to its final customer.

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